Tuesday, March 30, 2010

to failure!

So yesterday Patrick told me to do the last set of everything smaller, no muscle rest, as many times as I could until total muscle failure.
So I did.
And it hurts.
Squats I get, Creeps I don't. I think I need a video or something; they don't hurt much so I must be doing them wrong.
I did, however, fail to fail the DaVincis. Must of knocked out about 50 small and tight and I wasn't really getting anything but tired and bored; didn't feel a burn much in the chest...then again I don't really feel much chest burn unless I do many, many pushups.
And I kinda failed to fail on the chest dips, too. Need to use higher chairs, methinks. Benches I used were too low; I couldn't really dip very deep. But the last set I just bobbed a gazillion times with my arms half bent and it most certainly failed painfully.
V-sits continue to be my nemesis, but I tried doing them more slowly and controlled; just concentrated on rolling up my abs like a tortilla from both ends. Easier to find a balance point like that and yup, it hurt and I failed at the end.

Amusing thing about the gym: they offered me a piece of candy on my way out.

BTW, am totally loving the post-workout small banana* and 1 spoonful of protein powder. Sates me just fine, and feels like I get to celebrate a good workout with some yummy fruit and cocoa-flavored goodness.

* Patrick: "Everyone keeps asking me 'How big is a small banana?'. So I tell them: 'Smaller than a big banana.'"


  1. I also was wondering if I was doing the creeps correctly. There was burn, so, I'm assuming I was.

  2. I make three of us on the creeps - they seem very doable. I just thought I was catching a break.

    I need to run go get two chairs. Your charts indicate that you are doing something right!

    Go Team Go!

  3. Creeps don't burn much as you do them but you'll feel it later!

  4. Oh wow. Woke up this morning and can totally feel my thighs complaining. Yeah, Creeps worked!
