Pull ups? Have not done those since junior high. Managed three on the first set unassisted, two on the next set, half of one, then oblivion.
After those the push ups were, well not EASY but I now have a new exercise classification: PullUps and NOT PullUps.
I predict the NOT PullUps portion of the exercises will together generate as much suffering as the PullUps. I also think the PullUps alone will generate as much awesomeness alone as all the rest of the NOTPullUps combined.
Complete the following word association:
shoes : Imelda Marcos
PullUps : ...REN!
Thas right, PullUps, I will OWN all y'all.
Good things about PullUps:
- When I stop doing them, the pain goes away...mostly.
- Useful for those times when I have to pull on a big overhead lever in order to open a trapdoor so that I can escape before lava fills the dungeon.
- Broad shoulders give my suits that well-filled 1930s zoot-suit / 1980s shoulderpads look that is kinda making a comeback.
And I leave you with the best comment from Patrick, upon seeing my ghetto-PCP breakfast:
"I love it man; looks like prison food!"
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