Wednesday, March 31, 2010

to arms!

Today was a whole lotta arms - bicep curls and single-arm curls and elevated triceps dips and the dreaded double-katana...everything else paled in comparison. Once again I did every last set to failure, which is damn easy given my spindly little arms.
Ah but that post workout workout banana and cocoa-flavored protein makes it all worth it.
Also had an interesting conversation with a co-worker along the same pattern as many previous conversations:
Wow you have lost alot of weight! Do share your secret!
Diet and exercise?
An hour every day? But my kids/hair/job/hobby...
Eat what? Oh, but I LOVE carbs and ramen and fries!
It costs how much? I mean I spend that much on organic chocolate every month but still!

I just keep thinking: my first entry on this blog was all my excuses. These are not new, nor unique! Like Patrick says: what is more selfish, being healthy and available to friends and family, or eating crap, being fat and sick and a burden and dying young? How much is your health worth? Spend all your money on organic food to stuff your face, or dine sensibly on readily available fruits and veggies?
I have no idea what it is like to be anyone other than me, so I sure people are legitimately incapable of taking charge and taking care. But I am capable and I am doing it. At best I hope to inspire friends and family and strangers that PCP - and wellness in general - is totally doable. At worst, I am doing this solely for my own egotistical benefit. Either way, at least I am doing it!


  1. That's a great way of thinking! No more excuses!!

  2. I always tell people either do it or don't.

    I'd much rather hear someone say, "you know, I just don't care about being overweight, and I'm not willing to give up my favorite foods" than a bunch of lame excuses.

    If someone comes out and says they don't give a damn about fitness, at least we can talk about something else that we both like! Excuses only make both parties feel slightly soiled.
