And then I soon discovered that there is actually an ab workout worse than The Plank: V-sits. For the second time on PCP (1st being pull-ups) I achieved total Fail. First set of v-sits hurt like hell. Second set I was basically flopping around like a fish outta water, even managing rotate several radians in a counter-clockwise direction somehow. Third set barely happened. I counted digits to the max number of reps, and every time I counted I imagined my arms extending out towards my legs, which extended straight and, tucking into a nice V...the reality was more like fish-outta-water again.
The good news is it really, really hurt right where is was supposed to; general bellybutton area. Which means I am working the right muscles, which means I will do more of these forsaken things because I am doing it right. Most. Excellent.
Can't ask much more than failure. Good job man.