Friday, March 26, 2010


Got to the dojo this evening and did some kumitachi work with my man for over an hour. Felt great but did not get home until near 11pm. Changed quickly, grabbed my gear and headed to the Prison Yard for my jumps. Got a nice zoned out groove going on and knocked out 1100 in about 3 big sets.
And then I soon discovered that there is actually an ab workout worse than The Plank: V-sits. For the second time on PCP (1st being pull-ups) I achieved total Fail. First set of v-sits hurt like hell. Second set I was basically flopping around like a fish outta water, even managing rotate several radians in a counter-clockwise direction somehow. Third set barely happened. I counted digits to the max number of reps, and every time I counted I imagined my arms extending out towards my legs, which extended straight and, tucking into a nice V...the reality was more like fish-outta-water again.
The good news is it really, really hurt right where is was supposed to; general bellybutton area. Which means I am working the right muscles, which means I will do more of these forsaken things because I am doing it right. Most. Excellent.

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