Wednesday, March 10, 2010

gyms are lame

Forgot to take a photo of dinner, but it was more of the same: tortillas with leftover chicken and enoki and assorted steamed veggies.
Friend at work was heading to the gym so I tagged along. Company has a deal whereby we can use the gym for 500 yen a pop, so I checked it out, even though I was totally fried from Fighting Gym at lunch (sensei has decided to help me out interspersing several ab workouts throughout our normal fighting class...problem is Hawaii is in all the classes with me, so whatever helps me also helps her. I love her dearly but she really needs to go on an icecream binge and get a debilitating injury for several weeks if I am to have any chance of getting into better abdominal shape than she!)
First impression: SMALL. I mean sure this is Tokyo, but damn talk about compact. Narrow; claustrophobic even. No place to jump (and didn't have my rope anyway) so I'll do those when I get home. Picked a corner as out of the way as possible and did the squats.
Nice to have a proper place to do pull-ups, but honestly without someone spotting me on all sets, it's probably better to successfully do all the inclined pullups under my kitchen table than it is to do 2-3 proper pullups, then hang feebly in a struggling attempt to get through the rest of them.
They did have a fine assortment of stretch bands, and I learned that the heavy band is great for bicep curls but impossible for davincis (too short), so I used the medium and it burned nicely (as Patrick told me: shoulder is a thin, wide muscle so it just burns whatever I do.)
Did pushups back in the miniscule stretch area, no pushup bars and I could feel the difference; MUCH easier to crank them out with my hands flat on the ground or even in fists. That extra few centimeters off the ground from the bars makes all the difference!
Also nice having a propery situp bench...but then again I don't have any problems doing situps lying on the floor.
And the best part: when I was weighing myself with the sporty scientific body fat measuring scale thing, the lovely lady working the floor told me, as politely as possible "Sorry, but tattoos...!" So i meekly pulled by t-shirt sleeve down and went to change.
Thus endeth my gym debut.
Now it's back home to the prison yard that is my garage so I can do my jumps in peace.


  1. No tattoos? What's up with that?

  2. Japanese thing: ink usually means yakuza (mafia) which definitely means trouble...though those rules are left over from a previous century where tattoos were not a fashion symbol. These days everyone under 30 is sporting ink, but societal norms change. really. slow. in Japan.

  3. Those wacky yakuza! What's a bad 90's action thriller without them? See, on the other side of the world in New Jersey, there is a large segment of people who try to look like they are in the mafia! :)
