Monday, May 3, 2010

strong 9 results

I remember when I started PCP, Patrick pulled out the sheet to record my weekly measurements. He said two really important things then:
1- These numbers do not mean anything. How much you weigh is a pointless measure, your BMI number is arbitrary and useless. These numbers are only good for tracking the changes you will go through: fat down, muscle up. The pattern is key, the individual numbers irrelevant. Do not be satisfied for achieving a certain number, nor discouraged for staying at or above/below some arbitrary measure.
2- At some point, usually around here (points to the middle-right of the sheet, right about where the cool blue-green background fades into yellow-orange, around week ten) your body will fight the changes. At first you will change quickly, weight will drop off as fat burns and muscle builds. But the human body is a creature of habit, and you really have ingrain these new habits for them to take hold.

So as predicted, results are basically flat to last week. Not a plateau, just my body fighting attempted changes to the status quo. This last month is really key. I could be satisfied with what I have achieved so far; call it good enough and just coast through the next 27 days...or I can redouble my efforts and really lock-in solid results.
The menu is slowly normalizing: slightly more carbs, breakfast veggies is As Many As You Want, banana before workout as well as after, fruit added to the afternoon snack.
So now I face a choice: good enough or not. I choose NOT: no more raisins in the salad. No more extra protein, no over-counting carbs, no abusing the sweet-potato-is-a-vegetable excuse, jumps and 8MA+ (basically never let my feet touch the ground) EVERY morning before workout before breakfast.
I think to force the discipline I will measure my veggies, too. Probably 300g for breakfast, 250g for lunch, and 200g for dinner. Just to keep myself honest and focused and consistent.
PCP does not stand for Palatable Condition Project nor Plenty Challenged, Pass! It is PEAK, which can only be acheived by climbing most of the way up from basecamp, seeing the last grueling steps up to the final summit, looking down at my own feet where they are now and saying: NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
Onwards and upwards friends! The countdown to the peak has begun.


  1. You have written much of what I am thinking.

    Per cheating - thanks for writing about this. For the most part I try to stay big picture.

    However, I do wonder why I still want more coffee and why I measure up to the gram on what I miss the most (Protein and oats in the morning).

    I think I have been saved by really gong for more colors in the veggies. I must say that the sweet potato is excellent. Just as good with spinach thought.

    About half of my yogurt comes with fruit. I do think this week I will pull back and go for purity. This is a better objective for me than ridgidity.

    I have had moments when I thought there is not enough time left. Then I try and remember that time is merely our invention...and we really do have today...right now.

    That is where my pay dirt is.

    Go Team G0!
