Thursday, May 27, 2010

thoughts on supersets

Got up at 5am and for once no one else got up, so I did nearly my entire workout in the morning in blissful solitariness.
Which didn't mean it hurt any less.
Legs still sore from the previous leg workout AND the kick-style fighting class I went to on Tuesday.
Stomach hurts from when my resistance band tore lose and smacked me upside the upper abdominal area leaving a lovely red welted line straight across my midriff that isn't going away anytime soon.

Did my jumps watching boring NHK news, then did 8MA+ at half speed, which burned twice as much.

Powered through the supersets, going REALLY low on the chest dips and really feeling it burn like heartburn. Man when the pectoral muscles burn and fail, they really, really hurt!
Shoulders was shoulders: near constant burning but I am used to them.
Final triceps dips where just torture; my right elbow was quivering and I could not push my self up on the last rep; I just collapsed onto the carpet.

And then it was time for abs: v-sits and planks, superset, to failure.
+5 Sword of Hurting; 20d save role at -10...FAIL.

At this point my family was in the living room, on the couch, watched bemusedly and with detached grins as I berated myself attempting to achieve at least double-digit v-sits and 60+ seconds planks through all the requisite sets.
Which I somehow managed to do.
And then I lay on the carpet, sort of curled up fetal, whimpering a bit, for a good 3 minutes.
And then it was over.

1 comment:

  1. I love chest dips!!! I feel like a super man after a few sets of those.

    Ahhh, whimpering. Essential PCP vocalization.
