Saturday, April 24, 2010

"normal" day

Did my jumps and 8MA as soon as I woke up. Then the rest of the workout, and finished just as the wife and son came in. Daughter slept like a dead thing again so after breakfast and whatnot, dragged her out of bed and got her fed and ready for school.
Took only the two bento and snacks today. Ate them at the proscribed time: AM snack 10:30ish, lunch 12:30ish, PM snack 4ish, dinner 7ish, evening snack 8:30ish. Was not hungry. Plenty of food. Interesting that my two buddies Todd and Jason are both complaining that their 2nd week PCP menus are way too much food. I don't remember having that problem, but I do remember the exercises jacking way up and the food coming way down in the following weeks.
Just gotta trust the program; Patrick and Chen know what they are doing.
So anyway I did NOT stress about not working out at lunch or after work. In fact at lunch I went and signed up at the local men's beauty and health salon for some permanent hair removal treatments; if I am gonna have a six-pack I wanna make sure it's visible! Plus I spend the time and money on looking good it is good motivation to make sure it does not relapse into a smooth, hairless fat gut hanging over the belt like it used to! So yeah it's totally narcissistic and silly, but whatever it takes to motivate!
I suspect I am done losing weight at this point; I am putting on muscle at a healthy clip and there really can't be THAT much fat left wrapped around my organs, so I predict I will drop maybe a little more and then rebound up as muscle starts to dominate.
Don't actually care what I weigh, just love the fact that I feel so. damn. good.
Tell everyone: being healthy and in shape is FUN!

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