Friday, April 23, 2010

bento lunch

Baby orange tomato, steamed nanohana,fusili pasta, chikuwa, olives, spicy garlic.

I am probably eating too much there is such a thing in this world! And DAMN but olives are tasty. I never really ate olives, now I can't get enough!

Took Patrick's advice, of course, and decided to just chill a bit. No more three work-outs a day silliness. Besides, with this wacky hot-cold-sunny-rainy weather I am feeling crummy; woke up with a scratchy throat today. So I just did the workout in the morning; jumps whilst watching NHK news, then 8MA, then the rest: chest dips and push-ups, ovations, bunch of bicep work, abs. Need to figure out how to keep my chair from sliding across the carpet when doing dips...who would have thought it would slide on deep pile carpet?

Also have decided to go back to the bento boxes -- more reasonable in size, more aesthetically pleasing. Today I took my time eating lunch, at least as much as is possible for me. One olive at a time, spitting out the pit. A couple of pieces of pasta at a time. Then a baby tomato half...I generally eat WAY too fast (being a younger brother it was that or starve as my older bro snagged all the food first) and as Patrick explained, it takes about 15 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain to release the chemicals that turn of hunger, so slowing down gives even reasonably small portions a chance to fill me up.

And honestly, it is more than enough food; watery vegetables and chewy protein a plenty. Need to remember how to enjoy tasting food, not shoveling nutrients into my mouth.


  1. Plastic bags be gone! Everything looks better in a bento box.

  2. Wow! That is a lot of garlic! I'm a garlic fiend. What's the recipe for that spicy garlic?

  3. Recipe for spicy garlic is: buy a pack at the local Sunkus convenience store! ;)
