Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So I know I have had food allergies in the past (never mind my complete lactose intolerance; that's a different thing altogether!) -- sometimes when I've eaten, say, too much roasted garlic, I get a clear and obvious reaction: hives on the sides of my neck. They kind of look like misshaped mosquito bites and always appear on the sides of my neck just under my ears / on the edge of my jaw.
Well today about 30 minutes after eating my sixth egg-white of the day, I got one hive under my right ear. It's not big deal; a little bit itchy and they generally go away in an hour or two, but still I am thinking that six hard-boiled egg-whites a day is definitely my limit.
Then again, I did leave my dinner bento out on the desk a bit too long today, and the bamboo shoots got kinda nasty, so maybe it was a reaction to that?
Anyway tonight I'll try some other egg-white prep -- maybe an omelet or something -- and see if that helps.
Otherwise I might have to find a protein substitute for the last couple egg-whites. Minor hives are no big deal, but when my body tells me something is amiss, it is best to listen!

Workout today was cool; knocked out the jumps and 8MA in the morning, but my wife and son were up early; little guy has a fever again. AND the washing machine died last night, so no laundry until the landlord decides what to do. We actually just last week asked if they could upgrade to a bigger washer/dryer; right now it's one of those cute Euro-model front-loading combo jobbies with minimal capacity. Me plus two kids plus wife means it is basically running 24-7 trying to keep up with all the dirty clothes, so I hope we can survive for a few days, though this might motivate the landlord to just replace the whole thing with a newer, bigger capacity kit.
And work is kicking my butt big time. Lots of ad hoc unavoidable stuff getting in the way of long-term projects that need to get done.
All good excuses to just crank hard, especially on my nemesis: pull-ups. I try not to cheat at all -- start at a complete dead hang and try to pull myself up until my chest is level with my hands. Can usually do one, maybe too. The remaining 38 generally involve frantically flailing my legs and bending my elbows such that my body raises up about 5 centimeters. Amusingly enough the back and various muscles involved in pull-ups don't burn like a good shoulder workout; they just fail. Nope, ain't moving anymore, don't care how hard you tell us to move -- we done! So I end up hanging there with my elbows kinda bent, not going up any more but refusing to count and let myself down. I do that 10 times to complete a set and I guess it works, because even though I don't think I can do any more pull-ups than I could six weeks ago, my back muscles sure look better!


  1. Keep an eye on your reaction those egg whites - you'd hate to develop a severe allergy to them!

    I've been wondering why I've been needing to go to the grocery store to refill my egg supply - then I realized I'm eating 6 egg whites a day ...

  2. I wonder why it'd happen on the 6th egg and not the 4th? Let's keep an eye on it!

  3. Bummer on the washer

    6 egg whites a day - at least it is not milk.

    I have big money that you are days away from a Pull up breakthrough. I can see it.

    And what is with the new shorts in the picture?

    Go team go!
